Sunday 26 February 2012

30 Days - Photo Challenge

Salam ;)

Saya terjumpa satu challenge yang menarik. Sesuai dengan hobi saya yang suke snap gambo.
Challenge tempek gambo kat blog untuk 30 hari. Cam best kan?
Camera tak power pun tak pe. Asal ada gambo nak tempek.. ahaks...
Saya copy challenge ni dari blog Cahya Schatz. tq yek pada empunya blog.

Tapi hari ni tak mula lagi hehehhe. Cari idea dulu.
Best of luck to myself. Hope I'll succeed  ekekkekke
Jom try ;)

Thursday 23 February 2012

Jumaat dan Strawberi

hari jumaat yang cukup indah ... sebab cuti n dapat bermalas-malasan hari ni.

dah lama tak beli strawberi... so td bila nampak ni kat jualan puspanita tadi, apa lagi.. cepat2 amik. nampaknya kene beli cokelat pulak la jap lagi eheheh..

sambil tu kita tgk resipi simple nak buat chocolate fondue.. which i got it from here.

Chocolate Fondue Recipe


  • 12 ounces of dark chocolate (chips or roughly chopped if from a block)
  • 8 ounces of heavy cream
  • A pinch of salt
  • Dippables such as strawberries, banana pieces cut into 1-inch chunks, dried appricots, candied ginger, apple pieces


1 Warm the cream over moderate heat until tiny bubbles show and begins to lightly and slowly boil. Add the chocolate and whisk until smooth and full incorporated.
2 Immediately transfer to a fondue pot heated at low or with a low flame, or serve straight from the pot.
3 Arrange the dippables on a platter or plates around the chocolate pot. Use a fondue fork, bamboo skewer, seafood fork, or salad fork to dip the fruit pieces and other dippables into the hot melted cream chocolate mixture. Eat immediately.
If the fondue begins to feel a little stiff, add a tablespoon of heavy cream and stir. It will help it go a little longer. Eventually, it will cook down though and you may need to start a new pot.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

When life gives you pisang tanduk, make pisang goreng

It's a public holiday today in Putrajaya, KL and Labuan - Federal Territories Day. Mr Hubby woke up early (surprisingly) and when missing...
Rupanya pergi pasar and he brought home this...

So, pisang goreng it is then... i used K. An's - Periuk Tanah recipe for the batter. tq K.An.
i just added a pinch of turmeric powder.

Sukatan dia just enough for the whole banana

 Sambil goreng... tumbuk cili api buat kicap pedas. Mr Hubby loves to dip the pisang goreng with kicap pedas. Typical jawa Muo opss.

Dah siap..... jom makan.

Memories from Blogspot Posts

Salam 6 Ramadhan 144H It has been so long since my last post in this blog.  Nowaday, orang pun dah tak layan blogspot lagi. But then, as I w...