Tuesday 28 March 2017

Petrosains, KLCC

Akhirnya Mama dapat jugak bawa Aqilah, Aqeel dan Arissa ke Petrosains semasa cuti sekolah baru-baru ni.

Oil rig

Making paper planes

Learning on how to manage our food waste

3D movie time

Earthquake simulator

Yeay.. mission accomplished !

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Makan-makan di Ayer@8 Putrajaya

If you happen to be in Putrajaya and are looking for place to eat, try heading to Ayer@8 in Putrajaya. There are so many eateries to choose from. You are pretty much guaranteed to find a dish that suits your taste buds. 

French Lamb Rack @ Steakhouse

Can't recall this menu ~ Chicken with parmesan @ Kedai Makan Upin Ipin
Update : Kedai Makan Upin Ipin dah tutup :(

Thai cuisine @ Thai Tom Yam Kung

Nasi arab @  Almaeda Arabian Cuisine
Shell Out Putrajaya

Another option  from Seafood @  Shell out .. yummm
Spaghetti marinara with lamb meatballs @ Meatball & Co.

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." — Virginia Woolf (A Room of One's Own)

Memories from Blogspot Posts

Salam 6 Ramadhan 144H It has been so long since my last post in this blog.  Nowaday, orang pun dah tak layan blogspot lagi. But then, as I w...