Thursday 26 February 2015

First post of 2015

Dah masuk tahun 2015. Cepatnya masa berlalu

Dah lama tak update even buka blog ni. But suddenly, today I'm feeling like updating this long forgotten blog. Well, I'm doing it in one go ...

First family portrait untuk tahun 2015. Payah ni tau nak dapat shoot yang semua orang tengok camera .. Fuhhh

Kakak is now in standard 1. Her school is just opposite out house. Ni masa orientation week. Ayah n Mama cuti teman kakak gi sekolah

Abang is still in CIC. Dah jadi senior kat situ. My big boy. Tahun depan pulak dia yang akan masuk Standard one. Ooo my.. tak boleh imagine nanti berperang ngan dia untuk bangun lagi awal dari sekarang.

 Arissa dah pandai posing kalau amik gambar. Sampai lentok-lentok kepala nye ha...

Adeena's 1st. birthday is just around the corner. It  looks like that my tiny bean sprout is quickly growing into a beanstalk. 

Senapas je. hehehe. Hopefully my next update in not in 2016 hahhaha 

Memories from Blogspot Posts

Salam 6 Ramadhan 144H It has been so long since my last post in this blog.  Nowaday, orang pun dah tak layan blogspot lagi. But then, as I w...